The Unbeatable Hearthstone Deck: Turtle Buddha Paladin

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Hearthstone, one of the most popular online strategy card games, i

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炉石传说佛祖骑卡组怎么搭配 海龟佛祖骑卡组推荐

Hearthstone, one of the most popular online strategy card games, is all about winning battles and climbing up the ranks. In this game, it’s crucial to have a winning deck and strategy to get ahead. One such deck that’s been making waves lately is the Turtle Buddha Paladin or Low Budget OTK Paladin.

What makes this deck so special? Let’s dive into the details.

The Basics of Turtle Buddha Paladin

First, let’s start with some basic concepts of the deck. This deck is based on the idea of gradually building up a strong board presence and eventually unleashing a powerful one-turn-kill (OTK) combo on your opponent. The deck’s core revolves around several key cards that synergize well with each other, namely, the Emperor Thaurissan, Bluegill Warrior, Old Murk-Eye, and Anyfin Can Happen spells.

Card Choices and Synergies

The Turtle Buddha Paladin deck requires a good mix of both early game and late game cards. A few must-have cards for this deck are the Vicious Scalehide, Hydrologist, and Zephyrs the Great.

Another key aspect of this deck is its unique OTK combo. During the game, you will need to play two copies of Anyfin Can Happen, which summon your fallen Murloc allies that have perished in the war, dealing massive amounts of damage to your opponent and securing your victory.

Strategy and Playstyle

The playstyle of the Turtle Buddha Paladin deck requires a lot of patience and careful planning. While you gradually build up your board presence, it’s important to keep an eye on your opponent’s cards and try to counter their strategies.

It’s essential to keep track of the number of Murlocs that have died during the game so that you can use the Anyfin Can Happen spell at the right time. Maintaining board presence is crucial to ensure that you have enough minions to survive any board clears by your opponent.


In conclusion, the Turtle Buddha Paladin or Low Budget OTK Paladin deck is one of the most powerful decks in Hearthstone due to its unique OTK combo and ability to counter the opponent’s strategies. However, to win using this deck, one must have a keen understanding of the game and a lot of patience.

So, are you ready to try out this powerful deck? Go ahead and give it a shot. Who knows, this might be the deck that takes you to the top ranks of Hearthstone.

Keywords: Turtle Buddha Paladin, Hearthstone, One-turn-kill.
